
Social responsibility

 « A business doesn't have to be huge or have decades of experience to find a way to help those who need it most. Yes, Womance offers clothing and accessories, but it also has the chance to reach a large pool of people in other ways. I believe it is not only a privilege for me to be able to help others, but also a responsibility. That is why the « Give to Help » initiative was born. » - Andréanne Marquis, founder of Womance.

Give to help aims to raise donations, directly on the online store, for various non-profit organizations in the Quebec City region. It is possible for Womance customers to make donations quickly and easily, with or without purchase. All donations collected are given directly to the organization we promote.

2024 Initiative

Women at the Top

Official video

Operation Enfant Soleil

Official partner of Air Canada's Dream Passport

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Lunch boxes

Donation collection

Food Bank of Quebec


2020 Launch

Give to Help

Since 2019

Fundraising and clothing donations
