Andréanne's Journal - Womance's 9 Year Edition 🎈


I’m in awe today as I sit and write these words. On this day nine years ago, Womance evolved from an idea that I held special in my heart to being my entire life. Back in 2014 when I first thought of starting an online clothing store, I never even asked myself whether or not it was a good idea. I was so naïve and full of ambition that it didn’t occur to me that it might be a tough road. I might have been a little crazy too haha! Womance and I started our journey full of hope if not lacking a little direction – I had no idea where I was going.

My naivety led me to eventually lead the most beautiful project of my life. There is no way that when I began I could ever picture myself as the head of a company that today employs more than 40 women. One big thing I’ve learned in recent years is that there is no pre-established path to success. No one thing propels us forward in a specific way. When we are in school, we all move at the same speed towards the same goal: graduation. While I was in school, I always dreaded what life would be like afterwards. I wondered what my “adult life” would look like. What path would end up leading me to whatever came next?

Womance is by far the most pleasant path I have ever had the chance to take. It’s an opportunity to take a right turn whenever I want, or to take a step back when I need to. It’s a chance to move forward very quickly (sometimes too quickly!) At times, it felt like I was on a challenging road trip led by an erratic GPS that I could not see and could only diligently listen to. Abrupt changes in direction came all the time, through customers with specific requests, a growing variety of products (like coffee cups for restful breaks and cocktail glasses to sip on at home), fundraisers that reminded us that life is so fragile, and multiple store openings (what can I say? We really like seeing you in person!)

We have been on the road together for 9 years now, she and I. There have been unforgettable moments that made our hair stand up, snowstorms that we feared we would never get out of, the birth of our little sister that takes up a lot of our energy (but that we love very very much), rain to force us to rest, and also sun – lots and lots of sun. The type of sun that just makes us want to drive even further and to try even more different roads. And of course, there’s you!

So now, will you help give us directions? Will you still be here years down the road to let us know if we should take a right turn or a left one? Now of course, don’t worry if you’re not sure exactly which route to take. We’re not looking for the perfect one, or even the fastest or easiest one. We just want to ride with you, over and over again.

Because YOU are the who who’s holding the GPS ;)

- Andréanne Marquis, founder of Womance & Sans-Façon Cosmetiques


  • Alexandra

    Très inspirant 🫶🏼
    Salut Alexandra,

    Merci de lire le Journal d’Andréanne ❤️

  • Alexandra

    Bravooo pour toutes ces années 🎉

    Womance est vraiment une véritable marque!! J’adoree les produits et je suis heureuse qu’une boutique se trouve à Québec 🎈💛
    Allo Alexandra,

    Merci à toi ❤️

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